Actively reach out to your clients!

Take your business to new heights with our Edmonton-based digital marketing studio! Our team creates tailored online strategies that showcase your brand. We incorporate the latest trends while emphasizing your unique details and collaborate with clients to achieve growth, visibility, and profitability. Let’s work together to succeed!

about us

digital marketing & Business Consulting

Are you looking to grow your business and enhance your online presence? Look no further than Active Reach Consulting! Our dedicated team of experts is committed to helping health and wellness businesses reach their full potential through innovative digital marketing strategies.

Our personalized solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, and our commitment to staying current with the latest trends and technologies ensures long-term success.

With Active Reach Consulting by your side, you can feel confident in reaching your goals and taking your business to new heights. Let’s work together to achieve greatness!

our services

custom & scalable marketing solutions

Explore my expertise in crafting tailored marketing solutions that grow with your business. From personalized campaigns to scalable strategies, I specialize in creating impactful digital marketing approaches that adapt to your unique needs. Let’s elevate your brand with strategies designed for long-term success.

Digital Marketing

Unleash the power of strategic marketing that captivates your audience, as we redefine possibilities with innovative solutions and unparalleled expertise.

Brand Design

Embark on a visual journey where creativity meets strategy. Our creative and design services breathe life into concepts, making your brand visually appealing and unforgettable.

Web Design

Empower your business with visionary strategies that pave the way for success. Our strategic approach is a roadmap to achieving your goals and staying ahead in the digital landscape.

Social Media

Navigate the ever-evolving social media landscape with confidence. Our social media marketing solutions are crafted to enhance efficiency, optimize processes, and keep your business at the forefront of innovation.


Featured work

Digital Marketing: Dive into the world of strategic online promotion. From crafting engaging social media campaigns to optimizing search engine visibility, I leverage digital channels to elevate brands. Explore how I blend creativity and analytics for an impactful online presence and results-driven marketing strategies.
Client feedback

Why clients love working with us

Embark On A Journey Of Growth And Discovery!​

Unlock Your True Potential with Our Exclusive Workshop Series

Are you ready to elevate your skills, expand your knowledge, and unleash your full potential? Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of personal and professional development with our upcoming workshop series!

get a free digital marketing mini-audit

Improve your digital marketing strategy with a free professional analysis. Leave your details below and a member of our team will get back to you within 24 hours.